Information regarding your Data
Your contact details will be stored and kept securely and confidentially in a safe locked filing system and shredded once our therapeutic relationship has ended. At this time I will also delete your contact number from my phone. This is stored under your first name only with a reference I understand. Session notes are kept in an encrypted password protected laptop that is only used by myself
I will use this information to carry out my professional and contractual obligations during out therapeutic relationship.
This includes:
- Contracting and ensuring the terms found in the contract are upheld by both parties.
- In case of emergencies or where disclosure might be necessary – I will contact your GP
or next of kin in these cases, with your knowledge and consent, where possible, UNLESS it is required by law I must report without the need for consent.
Disclosure of your information
I will not share your personal information with anyone else, unless there is a duty to disclose in order to comply with any legal obligation. Should I become incapacitated or die during our work together I have a living will and a trusted colleague, who is held by the same privacy, data protection and confidentiality clauses as described here, will make contact with you from my phone to pass on the news and if necessary will delete all of your information securely.
The only other person involved in your case – only your first name will be known to them, or if you choose to be anonymised further, initials or aliases can be used – will be my Clinical Supervisor, who is held by the same privacy, data protection and confidentiality clauses as described here and in my contract.
Right to Access
You have the right to ask for a copy of your personal information, free of charge, in an electronic or paper format. You also have the right to ask me to amend or change any incorrect information about you.
Right to be forgotten
You have the right to ask me to delete any information that I hold about you, including personal information that is no longer relevant to original purposes – for example when our therapeutic relationship has ended or if you wish to withdraw consent. In all cases and when considering such requests, these rights are obligatory unless it’s information that I have a legal obligation to retain.
Data Portability
You have the right to receive your personal information as previously provided, and to transfer this information to another party.