
As an integrative counsellor I use various therapeutic models depending what suits the situation (Click here for further information). I believe that you are your own expert, you have autonomy and my role is to walk beside you as you explore and grow. I value your uniqueness and knowing that no two clients are the same, I work with each person individually, depending on what suits you. I hope that a relationship will grow between us mutual respect and trust.

My job isn’t to tell you what to do, but to help you explore your thoughts and feelings and help you decide what step to take next. Counselling is a courageous, sometimes challenging process, but as we do this together, I believe growth, and if you choose it change, is possible.

I understand that starting this process can be quite daunting and I offer a 15-minute phone call prior to booking an initial session if you have any questions you would like to ask. I can also be contacted by email and text if you prefer.

I work face to face in Banbury, as well as Online/by phone, with individuals or relationships. If you’d like more information about the ways I work and the theories I use you can look here or to see a copy of my contract.

What do clients say are the benefits of counselling?​

  • Counselling can help you understand your thoughts and feelings,
  • Become more self-aware.
  • It can provide closure for past events.
  • Counselling can lead to improved self-esteem.
  • You can make positive changes and improve your work/life balance.
  • You may feel calmer, less stressed and sleep better.
  • Communication and relationships with those around you can improve
  • You may laugh more, relax more and increase your self-care.
  • You may become more assertive, value yourself more and learn to be kinder to yourself.
  • You may learn to say no.

I have experience of working with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Work Related Stress
  • Grief & loss
  • Abuse – mental, physical & sexual
  • Self esteem & Confidence
  • Neurodivergence
  • Relationships
  • Bullying
  • Anger
  • Phobias
  • Identity issues
  • Spirituality, religious doubt and spiritual abuse.

“Life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination”

Carl Rogers

Online Counselling

Relationship Counselling
